Are you really visible in your business?
Sep 26, 2020
My theme for this year has been visibility.
I knew this was something I had to learn and do more.
Because the truth is, if people see you more often, they think about you more often.
If you watched my stories, I told you that a followed the Instagram Stories Course of of CelineCharlotte. She created an Instagram Course and it was very inspiring to see how you can host a course on Instagram.
Let me share a couple of takeaways from this course.
1. A Story, is just one box, a 15-min story. It isn't the complete story with the different 15-min segments. Not very important, but that was definitely eye-opening to me.
2. If you post about a topic, try to post 3 stories about it, otherwise, it is too random.
3. Try to use tom storytelling skills when you are sharing a story. You start with a good hook, some tension, and the end is all good.
4. People don't want to hear only serious stuff. Even for business coaches, the stories most watched are the fun, vacation stories. Mix it up, people want to be entertained.
5. When you recording a story, you can save it on your iPhone, and place it later when the full story is revealed. So when you go somewhere, take a quick shot and post it later.
6. If you do a 'talking-story' or Vlog, it is the quickest way of getting a connection with your audience. You are vlogging for the audience you want to have, not for the once you currently having.
7. You can dim people from your stories. Do that with everybody you feel uncomfortable with or are not your ideal client. If you can't see my stories, it is you
8. Technically, you just vlog out of your hand, hold it up to your eye hight, and start. Only use a tripod if you do a LIVE when you need your hand.
9. Change your story off with an image, with a boomerang. Trying to keep your audience engaged by the surprise element. Don't have 2 talking stories in a row. Make sure you talk within 15 seconds.
10. It doesn't have to be perfect, but you don't have to do it in one take. In the beginning, I was doing MANY MANY takes for one 15 sec. story. After 2 weeks, I already get better at it (or I just don't care
IMPORTANT: Figure out for yourself why you want to create stories? I do it for my business. Not because I love it (although it is growing on me), but because I want to grow as a person but also with my work.
If people don't like your stories, just dim them, or tell them to do it yourself. It is not an insult, they are just not your audience.
The main feeling I got from this course was to just be NICE to yourself, to the learning process, to other people vlogging. See it as something brave, fun, and cheer each other one. You can't be perfect at it from the beginning. You will find your voice when you are getting better.
I loved her course. It was a no-brainer investment and I learned so much from it.
If you are interested, Celine is giving this course later in English.
Since I have been making stories:
- it gave me new connections
- some new coaching opportunities
- new work for film & photography
- some ideas for speaking jobs
And lots of cheer-me-on messages, it what has been really heartwarming.
Thanks guys! Don't hide, but shine.
QUIZ-TIME! Wordt jouw online programma een supersucces?
In één oogopslag ontdekken of je online programma een succes wordt voor je ideale klant.
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